The Auction events
- Summary: An auction for an NFT has been created.
- Datas returned:
- nftId: number
- marketplaceId: number
- creator: string as AccountId32
- startPrice: string as u128
- startPriceRounded: number
- buyItPrice: string as u128
- buyItPriceRounded: number
- startBlock: number
- endBlock: number
- nftId: number
- Summary: An auction for an NFT has been cancelled.
- Datas returned:
- nftId: number
- Summary: An auction for an NFT has been completed.
- Datas returned:
- nftId: number
- newOwner: string as AccountId32
- amount: string as u128
- amountRounded: number
- marketplaceCut: string as u128
- marketplaceCutRounded: number
- royaltyCut: string as u128
- royaltyCutRounded: number
- nftId: number
- Summary: The bidder has added a new bid offer.
- Datas returned:
- nftId: number
- bidder: string as AccountId32
- amount: string as u128
- amountRounded: number
- nftId: number
- Summary: The bidder has removed his bid offer.
- Datas returned:
- nftId: number
- bidder: string as AccountId32
- amount: string as u128
- amountRounded: number
- nftId: number
- Summary: Bidders that did not win the auction have claimed back their bids balance after an auction ends.
- Datas returned:
- account: string as AccountId32
- amount: string as u128
- amountRounded: number
- account: string as AccountId32